Liability Waiver


    • Minor (Child) Photo and Video taken: Your child's safety and well-being is our foremost concern, and therefore We do not share any personal information about you or your child. Through your child’s participation in SPAtacular Kidz activities photographs or videos may be taken of your child and, you on behalf of your child consent to your child’s photograph or image to be used in the promotion of SPAtacular’s business activites as may appear from time to time. Pictures may be posted on Social Media pages. By signing the participation contract your signature is consent to SPAtacular using the image or likeness of your child.(and image/video ONLY no other information is shared).

    • Liability: SPAtacular Kidz, LLC its owner(s), employees and agents assume no responsibility or liability for accidents, including without limitation allergies related to food items, clothing, or makeup, injuries to the party guest, or property damage before, during, or after the party/event. We strive to use products that are considered safe for children however, we cannot guarantee that there will be no adverse reaction to products being used for skin, hair, and nails as we do not know your children’s health history.

    • Party Planning Consultation: We want every party to be SPAtacular! Each of the party packages includes an "Initial Consultation" which provides 15 Minutes of party planning time. This is your opportunity to learn what the party entails and what options/add-ons are available. Any further consultation will take place after you have officially "booked" your party (meaning both your reservation and deposit have been received).

    • SPAtacular Kidz strives to provide a quality, authentic experience for your party, however, Spa services are not performed by a licensed cosmetologist and are for entertainment purposes only. We offer "mini" manicures and pedicures that do not include cutting or filing and may not resemble the work of a trained and licensed nail technician. Our performance is provided with an emphasis on simple and "fun".

    • Client responsibilities: shall include providing the following;

      • Safe, clean, area for activities

      • Gathering space for parents or the guest, and they must stay for the duration of the party.

    • Release and Indemnity: By signing the Party Agreement, you agree to defend and hold harmless SPAtacular Kidz LLC , its agents and employees from any and all property damages and/or bodily injury damage caused by your guest(s), or any other person attending the party.

    • Prices are subject to change without notice.

    • Please note: SPAtacular Kidz uses all necessary and proper hygiene practices. All of our hair implements/spa items are cleaned and disinfected before and after each guest/party.

    • You and your guests acknowledge and agree that your presence and participation at SPAtacular Kidz is granted pursuant to a license which may be revoked in the sole discretion of SPAtacular Kidz in the event that participants behavior or conduct warrant such action.